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The Toxic Life of a League of Legends Comedian
Sky Williams was once a beloved member of the League of Legends and Super Smash Bros communities. Known for his humourous, authentic videos and collaborating with creators such as videogamedunkey, Sky Williams went down a dark and dangerous route shortly after he stopped making his bread-and-butter League of Legends content. From allegations of financial fraud, abuse, and straight-up exploitation in his so-called "Sky House", which housed many members of the Super Smash Bros community, this video explores the manipulative and toxic life of one of League of Legends' most infamous comedians.
0:00 Intro
0:43 Troubled Childhood
2:49 Discovering Himself
4:09 Leap of Faith
5:42 Early Success
7:49 First Sky House
8:50 Peak Sky Williams
10:34 Slowing Down
12:24 Color Coded
13:22 Beginning of the End
14:58 Sky House Context
16:25 Super Smash Bros Allegations
17:14 Sky Williams Exposed
18:47 Inside the Sky House
20:00 Leaked Screenshots
20:25 Inside the Sky House (cont)
21:17 Financial Struggles
22:53 Fraud & Deception
24:42 Horrors of the Sky House
25:54 Jisu's Story
28:05 Technicals' Rebuttal
29:02 MacD, D1, & Keitaro Exposed
29:52 Sky William's Silence
30:28 Sky's Livestream Disaster
31:14 "My Statement" Video
33:26 Moving Forward
34:12 Sky's Legacy
Thank You For Watching LoLAthlete :)
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  • @danielbulnes7492
    @danielbulnes7492 53 хвилини тому

    You should make a video on Protatomonter, I used to love their old videos and commentary on plays.

  • @AlCap0le
    @AlCap0le Годину тому

    league players are so butthurt xD

  • @DidatticaScuola
    @DidatticaScuola 3 години тому

    i dont think its right to completely hate someone that did a lot in the past becasue he works at lol. He is not the only one that work behind league of legend and completely decide the future of the game. Its like insulting bezos because your amazon order arrive late

  • @ShaneusSnake
    @ShaneusSnake 3 години тому

    Singed420 and Tommy305 were really on some GOAT shit

  • @Lawlers
    @Lawlers 3 години тому

    I wonder what the next Shaco nerf is going to be.

  • @asinus1266
    @asinus1266 4 години тому

    Not sky :(

  • @oussamarafiq8935
    @oussamarafiq8935 5 годин тому

    90 % of sexuel abuse are fake and are used to destroy celebreties and hard working people .i never stop watched him or watch hashishin bcz it can be fake no one knows and at the end of the day im only interested in their gameplay

  • @P4rsha703
    @P4rsha703 5 годин тому

    After 14 seasons i’m still waiting for my voice chat. legit every reason they bring up to defend not adding it is BS.

  • @Ecliptor.
    @Ecliptor. 6 годин тому

    all these zoomers stuck in gold- and talking about balance while making death threats should most definitely GP Q themselves, and not phreak

  • @garrett29west
    @garrett29west 8 годин тому

    I feel like the timing of this is interesting cause no one's mentioned Sky in forever, but he recently started back streaming and uploading to UA-cam.

  • @taoabrincaramirite9707
    @taoabrincaramirite9707 9 годин тому

    I used to fucking love Sky, its so sad

  • @alonsogomez261
    @alonsogomez261 11 годин тому

    Vvvortic remains the goat of league UA-camrs

  • @cptclown
    @cptclown 12 годин тому

    Lol the good old league days . How the game has changed.

  • @edgetheedgy3418
    @edgetheedgy3418 12 годин тому

    A garbage that didn't hit above diamond all his live playing from the beginning making changes funny i was hardstuck gold/plat since season to tol now after i moved mid i hit diamond last season and now im trying to go to master...on eune where it's hell to climb since everyone plays for himself thinking he is Faker

  • @davidkunakovsky3155
    @davidkunakovsky3155 12 годин тому

    I dunno how you forgot to mention that in between 2020 or 2022 nobody ever even wanted to see him as caster anymore and any other caster had by far more talent and more likeable personality.

  • @TheWarClouddV2
    @TheWarClouddV2 12 годин тому

    Honestly never heard of him outaide of the super smash bros community. Seems like smash bros was full of these creeps

  • @ethernil
    @ethernil 14 годин тому

    At first he was playing a role that people liked. Then he showed who he really is and people hate him because he is a narcissistic jackass.

  • @juanbriones268
    @juanbriones268 14 годин тому

    "How riot phreak ruined his reputation" procceeds to blast the community yeah okay dude xD

  • @bakedbread4319
    @bakedbread4319 17 годин тому

    This guy was a bully when he was young and had friends, then stopped being one when he was a loner, and then as soon as he gets some power being the landlord of his sky houses he becomes a massive bully, abuser, and enabled others to be abusers. Yeah, this guy is just a piece of shit. Its not his mental health issues he's just an asshole.

  • @lerab157
    @lerab157 17 годин тому

    Only question i have is, why do they fuckin allways Buff champs when they get a new skin?

  • @7omidvern
    @7omidvern 18 годин тому

    what about the first 3v3 edition? with drake red buff blue etc can even buy wards

  • @cyrusskpsm7142
    @cyrusskpsm7142 19 годин тому

    SKT 2015 almost got the Golden Road if they Win them against EDG at MSI Grand Finals 🔥💖

  • @tvlyt444
    @tvlyt444 20 годин тому

    Otp are the best to watch hands down

  • @gymfamily
    @gymfamily 20 годин тому

    Thank you for this video

  • @ix_ix_
    @ix_ix_ 21 годину тому

    It’s cause Keira had the NewJeans Buff at worlds final 😂😂😂

  • @1v9machine_1
    @1v9machine_1 21 годину тому

    Holy what a case. Great video lol athlete! Ordered food before watching this one

  • @chesterbelle
    @chesterbelle 22 години тому

    sky its soo funny i hope he make a comeback

  • @RaidenLimbSlicer
    @RaidenLimbSlicer 22 години тому

    I can't explain how much I love Ronaldo Nazario as an athlete, he's the best attacker that ever graced the fields

  • @CommanderSal
    @CommanderSal День тому

    Freak can be a jerk, but we've all hit our limits. I know he's an icon in a massive business, but we are all only human. Being a part of the balance team was probably a dream of his, but that department always gets so much hate that it snowballed for him. I genuinely feel for the guy.

  • @PugsyP
    @PugsyP День тому

    aight, nice hitpiece

  • @SandStone88
    @SandStone88 День тому

    lol the Jisu allegation never made much sense to me back then and it makes less sense now. She was a prisoner, trapped and abused but somehow she managed to get to Zero’s room and saw images in his computer that she found offensive and became “zero’s victim’ as well. She put more effort on Zero’s allegation than the allegation against her actual abuser. I got downvoted to oblivion in smash subreddit when I called her out on that.

  • @narumifujishima7504
    @narumifujishima7504 День тому

    Who is this? The only LoL comedian I know was Rav.

  • @johnsmif
    @johnsmif День тому

    I always wondered why he stopped doing stuff with dunkey

  • @bobbleton6517
    @bobbleton6517 День тому

    What about when Riot took the tutorial map to make a new game mode based on the custom game of randomly getting assigned champions and only going down the mid lane?

  • @FrozenFacade
    @FrozenFacade День тому

    He's not the guy who designed the initial K'sante kit so he's good enough in my book.

  • @Gehshme
    @Gehshme День тому

    20+ NEET young adults and teenagers living together in one house, all struggling with various mental health issues and abusing drugs and alcohol daily, leading to a history of abuse and fighting. 😱 I am almost shocked, but not entirely surprised.. I am almost shocked, but not entirely surprised.

    • @portanrayken3814
      @portanrayken3814 11 годин тому

      it is the same story on repeat for all those houses projects

  • @CollectibleTechDeckDudes
    @CollectibleTechDeckDudes День тому

    league is a stupid game

  • @austinlundahl5349
    @austinlundahl5349 День тому

    I feel like this was all better explained on technicals channel

  • @GamingWithMoh
    @GamingWithMoh День тому

    He was so funny in the beginning but eventually he became so fucking cringe. At some point, him being gay took over his whole personality and felt like that became the focal point of the content over what it originally was meant to be. I have no problem with him being gay but I also dont wanna hear it being brought up 30 times a minute.

  • @kannnnn392
    @kannnnn392 День тому

    He couldn’t beat Dunkey in Smash and just went insane.

  • @qlutch2998
    @qlutch2998 День тому

    he definetly shouldve stayed as a caster

  • @filipepinho3319
    @filipepinho3319 День тому

    Not to defend anyone, but he's job it's a bit ungrateful as he is the one to show the face for the team in every good or bad decision riot balance team pulls out... The balance team overall is doing a bad job / bad decisions over and over again...

  • @markusholmes585
    @markusholmes585 День тому

    Hopefully, Mr. deer and molly didnt get affected by this

  • @chonkyboy3597
    @chonkyboy3597 День тому

    a bunch of kid or young adult stay together in one play is never a good thing :v

  • @GhostLyricist
    @GhostLyricist День тому

    It seems like most of the allegations are about other people in the house and that Sky didn't stop it. In his defense, I don't think there's any way a gamer house of 20+ people works out. It's just a horrible idea, I think he got too deep in debt and didn't want to remove people, out of fear of going deeper in debt. He sounds like someone who just has anger issues and a horrible money spending problem. Deadbeat gamers paying $200 a month or whatever it was aren't a good source either.

  • @bagerklestyne
    @bagerklestyne День тому

    I've been playing since Beta (and I am a Beta at league) I only remember Hexakill being on TT not SR

  • @chilltouchng
    @chilltouchng День тому

    I remember all of these...

  • @Dilly_kong
    @Dilly_kong День тому

    Whatever you think about his ego/personality, this video shows that hating on him for the job he is doing at riot or “his” balance changes is baseless, infantile and harsh.

  • @DaxterSnickers
    @DaxterSnickers День тому

    But isn't he gay? Why does a gay man molest women?

  • @nullzero3455
    @nullzero3455 День тому

    hoping for a Brofresco video, guy was everywhere back in 2014